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VPN vs Cloud Solutions

Pegasus Opera Cloud Software

VPN Performance

VPNs allow you to share files and edit them directly on the local server you are accessing, but with one major trade-off: performance.

Unless your company has invested significantly in a dedicated lease line, the connection is reliant on the stability of your internet connection.

Performance is also dependent on the ability of the VPN server to handle incoming requests.

Unlike VPNs, all processing is performed within the cloud, which reduces the risk of data integrity issues.

In the Cloud, if you experience an internet dropout your data is unaffected as it is not downloaded to your local machine, when you reconnect you continue at the point where you left it as processing is done on the cloud server.

Working with Large Files and XRL reports

This can be a problem for VPN services. Each time you save, the entire file is sent through the VPN connection back to the local network, which can be problematic with large files.

Whenever you make a change with the Cloud solution, regardless of the size of your file, it is processed directly on the cloud.

What you can see on your laptop is just an image of what is happening on the cloud server, but the data never downloads to your machine. This not only saves you bandwidth but makes processing much quicker and avoid network-related crashes and data integrity issues. There are also no file size restrictions.

Access through mobile devices or temporary locations.

Most of the VPN solutions focus on establishing an encrypted connection. This means that if you want to use a VPN on a mobile device, you would have to download a separate VPN app and reset the connection with your server. These configurations can sometimes be complicated.

With a cloud solution, you can securely use your applications from any computer or any mobile device with an internet browser.

After logging in, an encrypted connection is created every time you tap on the app icon. You can access the whole system just like you do on your office desktop.


VPN's aren't supposed to be fast. When connecting to a VPN, it basically causes you to connect to a server across the world, causing your Ping to be higher and Speeds to drop.

Additionally, if increasing people are working remotely and connecting to the server the performance is likely to be significantly affected.

However, Cloud systems are totally scalable, and its resources can be increased or decreased to adapt to your business needs. If more people need to work from home, resources can be adapted to ensure that your system performance remains unchanged.


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