Cut down your capital and operating costs by using the resources of your cloud hosting provider, giving substantial savings in capital costs through a reduction in spending on equipment and infrastructure.
· Reduce energy consumption, office space and IT personnel expenses.
· No upfront software licencing costs
· No recurring annual maintenance costs
· No new computer infrastructure
· No dedicated IT-trained staff required
· Improved cash flow because there is no up‐front capital expenditure, just a monthly operational payment
Your Cloudsis Hosted Desktop or Cloud Apps solutions, provide software licencing, backups, and disaster recovery planning - all at a fixed monthly cost
Our Cloud solutions offer a level of enhanced security often impossible to replicate cost-effectively for SMEs. Move to the cloud and reduce your GDPR liabilities as a data processor.
· Cloudsis uses two UK‐based data centres with a separate backup data centre
· The infrastructure is protected from theft, damage or interference with 24/7 Security
· ISO 27001
· Anti‐virus and spam filters are always up‐to‐date
· Server backup and security are taken care of by the hosting provider
Don't lose productivity as your equipment becomes outdated. Stay always up to date with the latest hardware and software without unexpected investments.
Hosted desktops and Cloud Apps solutions include enhanced backup facilities that keep a copy of your data for a minimum of 30 days that can be increased if required. Cloudsis also offer an extra layer of security that populates a copy of your backups automatically into a dedicated One Drive account.
Hosted desktop Apps
Cloudsis can host almost any application you use in the Cloud. In addition, we provide a wide range of preconfigured apps already optimised to work in the cloud. We have also developed a Cloud Graphical hosted desktop with NVIDIA virtual GPU (vGPU) which provides optimised graphics features for 3D engineering and/or design software normally used by designers/architects/engineers who require advanced graphical capabilities.
Access to your software at a time and location that suits you. With our Cloud solutions, you can access your virtual desktop apps from anywhere, 24/ hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Expert Support
Our award-winning cloud specialist support services are proud to have one of the fastest response times in the market. Quick and easy access to our Support Team with our Integrated Multiplatform Support Portal.