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Moving your financial software to the Cloud is simple with Cloudsis hybrid, published app and full c

Pegasus Business Cloud Payroll Team

Of all the developments in information technology (IT) over the past decade, cloud computing has been one of the key game changers, offering far-reaching benefits for businesses.

With new innovations in technology emerging on a daily basis, cloud is one IT solution that can add value to all businesses, from home grown micro businesses to multinational corporations.

Notably, the sector ideally positioned for transformation by the cloud isn't one that traditionally reaps the rewards of IT developments: small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).

Although SMEs – the backbone of the UK economy, might not traditionally have required complex IT solutions, they stand to benefit substantially from cloud computing and hosted accounting software.

Yet recent research indicates that only a quarter of small firms are actually investing in technology such as cloud computing such us hosted accounting software, despite the fact that using this service can be a powerful way for them to access a global customer base and make their mark on the international stage.

SMEs that are embracing technology generally grow faster, export more and employ more people. Cloud technology also offers SMEs, within the UK, the opportunity to compete internationally like never before and drive their home grown intellectual property.

Cloudsis are providing SME’s with not only the platform (a hosted Pegasus solutions), but also the services, such as migration and deployment to ensure a seamless transition to Cloud. With a fixed monthly cost, making budgeting IT expenditure more transparent and predictable, there really is no barrier to the cloud for SME’s anymore.

Most businesses are generally aware that they need to be moving to the cloud, and many are inadvertently being shuffled in this direction via the deployment of standard business tools such as Microsoft 365 and google apps. Many business software packages are also becoming browser based offerings to eliminate the pressure on your internal infrastructure.

Often the last thing to migrate to the cloud is the financial software package. IT professionals often dread touching these vital business tools as they either simply do not have the knowledge to uninstall the applications and migrate them successfully and are aware of the consequences should something unforeseen interrupt the safe running of the software which could cause the business operations to halt.

It is sometimes the integration with other applications that can hinder the move to the cloud, with financial software packages needing to interact with BACS payment software and third party transactional databases.

Cloudsis has an experienced migrations team which can plan, action and support your system both during the migration of software and post implementation via our training and consultancy service teams.

Cloudsis hosted accounting software solution comes in a variety of styles depending on whether you need to virtualise your entire office operation or simply place certain applications into the cloud. All of our hosting options can be trialled in advance and come pre loaded with the latest anti-virus and backup management tools as you would expect.

To find out more about the Cloudsis Pegasus software web based solution then please contact one of the team

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